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Archives for November 11, 2014

8 Terrible Titles

I have been tagged by a fellow writer to participate in the #8TerribleTitles blog hop. Here are the rules:

  • Open your manuscript and scroll to a random passage
  • The word or phrase where your cursor lands is your first terrible title
  • Repeat until you have eight terrible titles

So without further ado, here are my contributions from In a Time Never Known, my historical fiction novel set during the American Civil War, publication 2015. I, of course, added snarky tag lines:


He Coughed Up Some Blood and Groaned

– A no-holds barred telling of the scourge that was tuberculosis in the Wild West.


This is The Spot

– In a much anticipated sequel, Lady MacBeth gets counseling to help her reconcile what is actually a spot, and what is simply a figment of her guilt-riddled imagination.

Lady MacB

Her Father’s Shipping Conglomeration

– This touching biography of Tom, the first FedEx store owner in Sheboygan, WI, will keep you riveted from the first roll of packing tape to the last.


To Approach the Top of the Hill

– In his controversial new book, Dr. Phil posits that not everyone is ready for success, and that there are steps that must be taken before approaching the top.


In Her Mother’s Hand

– Little Janie has always known that her mother is a kleptomaniac, but when Janie herself is accused of stealing a precious keepsake, will she take the blame, or reveal, that like every other time, the answer lies in her mother’s hand?


She’s Bleeding!

– In this heartfelt coming-of-age tale, Claire comes to terms with the fact that she is the last of her friends to get her period, and thus cross over into womanhood.


The Comfort of Kady’s Embrace

– Kady, a mild-mannered prostitute, discovers that she has the ability to heal the sick through carnal embrace. But how can she explain this gift, and will anybody believe her?


The Demons of Our Realities

– Demon hunters Billy and Joe have to act fast when an exorcism gone wrong shifts all of Earth’s demons to an alternate reality, and all of the alternate reality’s demons to Earth.


Hmmm, I think some of those might actually sell . . .

Thanks for inviting me to play Jayme! For more #8TerribleTitles check out her blog here.