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Archives for October 2014

I Concede Defeat . . . Or Do I?

I am what you would call a competitive person. I like to be first, or the best, whether we’re talking about who has the lowest grocery bill or who finishes a task first. I compete everywhere and with everything, even if the competition is only against myself. In fact, I’ve learned over the years that most people don’t like to compete at everything, so I keep most of the competitions to myself. The last time that I went to the grocery store with someone, I totally won the lowest bill competition. He doesn’t know that I won, because he didn’t know that we were playing. But I know, and that’s all that counts. So it is with great humility that I concede openly, that I DO NOT, repeat DO NOT want to win if my current situation is a competition. I personally haven’t been viewing it as a competition, but my body seems to have been playing the one-up game with illness all year. So I am stating loud and clear, right now – do you hear me body? – that I concede the one-up game and I no longer want to play.

So far this year I have had: 2 ear infections, 3 sinus infections, extensive dental work, a cancer scare, a hormonal imbalance, an H. Pylori infection, panic attacks, costochondritis and now mono. Not to mention the cold that is going around my office right now as the cherry on top. On the one hand – well done me. That is quite the impressive line-up. But on the other, logical, non-crazy hand – good lord, give me a break and let me be healthy for two consecutive days! I really don’t think that that is too much to ask!

So in that vein, I am putting my competitive side on the back burner and declaring that I do not want to win this competition. ‘A’ for effort, good show, but I’m throwing in the towel. But I guess that means that I’m hoping that someone else’s health is worse than mine, so that they can win the competition. That’s not very nice. I really wouldn’t wish that on anybody. Okay, new plan . . .

competitorsI win!

Mono plus a cold takes the cake, the gold medal and the chicken dinner. You win body. You have accumulated the weirdest collection of ailments and put everybody else to shame. You happy now? Good! Now can we stop please? I’m sick and tired . . . literally. To celebrate my win, I’m going to take a nap.


You are the sun to my moon,
I can stand on my own,
Survive on my own,
But I am only bright when you are near.

You are the sun to my moon,
I revolve for you,
Transfer radiance for you,
But I am only light when you are near.

You are the sun to my moon,
I want to get closer.
Soak up all your rays,
But your heat overcomes me when I am near.

You are the sun to my moon,
Your flames tickle,
Fire engulfs me,
But I must feel what it is like for you to be near.

You are the sun to my moon,
You have destroyed me.
I will never be the same,
But I must stay in orbit, where you are near.


Pity Party, Table of One

This is apparently my week to contemplate moods. A friend of mine asked me yesterday, in all earnestness, how she could snap out of her bad mood. Without a moment’s hesitation I shot back at her a smart ass response of:

“Decide to be in a good mood.”

At the time, I had definitely intended that remark to be sarcastic, but in retrospect, the advice is sound. How do you get out of a bad mood? You stop being in a bad mood. I think it’s actually that simple. Instead of focusing on what is wrong about today, instead of focusing on who is to blame, instead of being hard on yourself, you can choose to focus on something else. I truly feel that whatever you chose to focus on, will determine your mood. It’s really hard to be in a bad mood when you’re thinking about happy things. Focus on how good your coffee tastes. Focus on, and congratulate yourself on, the cute outfit you put together. Focus on the positives of the task you’re working on and all of the things you’ve already completed, and I truly believe that you can walk out of a shit-storm clean. You just have to make the choice to focus your brain on the positives in your life and let the negatives roll off your back. Which is much easier said than done.

I tend to find humor is just about everything. So much so, that I have had the comment made in my general direction that I was being inappropriate. Have you ever noticed how people who make judgments like that will rarely say it to your face, but always say it to someone else in a way that you are sure to hear? Drives me nuts! At any rate, I try to find the humor no matter how bleak the situation. There are times when the proverbial last straw fell so long ago that the poor camel has been in traction for months, yet more straw comes down. There are times when you have battled through so much and overcome so many obstacles, yet your path is still blocked. In these times you are faced with two choices: you can either laugh or cry. I don’t know about you, but I’ve done enough crying. So I choose to laugh.


I choose to laugh in the darkest of moments, the hardest of places. It might be bittersweet, but it’s laughter. So why can’t I do the same on a day to day basis? When my day sucks, when everything seems to be working against me and I’m tired and worn out, who’s to say that I can’t laugh? That I can’t stare down the crappiness and proclaim that I will not let it get the best of me. Not today! That I am going to smile and I am going to find something good to fixate on. To cling to like a buoy in the ocean if I have to, but I’m going to stop feeling sorry for myself. Because in most cases, that is really what is at the root of a bad mood. I wasn’t treated the way that I would like to be treated. I didn’t get what I wanted. I have to do something that I don’t want to do. I am being kept from my true calling, and so I am going to feel sorry for myself. Pity party, table of one. My bad mood and I will each have a glass of wine so that we can stew in our stupor of self-righteous indignation.

Now don’t get me wrong. There are times when it is justified and you truly have been treated like crap, and taken advantage of and been kept from your dreams. However, even in those instances, you don’t have to stay there. You can get up and leave and choose to be somewhere else. I need to work on that. I need to remember to keep choosing to be somewhere better. I need to choose to laugh more often. I think we all do.

Mercury in Retrograde – A Rant

A co-worker just asked me how I was today and I expressed to him that I was kind of in a bad mood. At which point he shook his head and said,

“Well you know, Mercury is in retrograde, so that’s to be expected.” mercury-retrograde-sign

Now I will admit that I enjoy reading my horoscope from time to time. I’ve had my birth chart (or whatever it’s called) done and got a kick out of looking at it. I am not, however, what you would call new-agey. I don’t rely on the stars or psychics or astrologers to tell my future . . . or even to make decisions for that matter. And normally a comment about Mercury being in retrograde would have shot right past me and I wouldn’t have given it a second thought. That didn’t happen today. Probably because I’m in a bad mood.

However, in the interest of work place harmony, I smiled and nodded until he walked away. So you my friends, get the rant that was intended for his new-agey, Mercury in retrograde ass. I apologize ahead of time for the language.

WTF?!?!? What does that even mean, and why would the planetary alignment of Mercury have anything to do with me? No don’t answer, I don’t want to know! Maybe Mercury’s alignment has absolutely nothing to do with my bad mood. Maybe it’s because I haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep in over a week. Or maybe it’s because I had a bunch of blood drawn this morning and now I’m anemic and have a headache. Maybe it’s just because you looked at me funny. Or maybe it’s because I just finished doing a week of positivity on Facebook and this is the only mood left after being little Miss Mary Fucking Sunshine for seven days.

Perhaps it’s because my audio book hasn’t arrived at the library yet, so I’ve been forced to listen to the crap LA radio while on my commute for the past four days. Or because the five-hour energy that my other co-worker gave me has now made me so buzzed that we could have an earthquake and I don’t think I’d notice. Maybe it’s because it’s now getting darker in the evenings and by the time I walk my dogs when I get home it’s dark. Maybe it’s because right now in the office it’s too hot to put on a sweater, but too cold to leave one off so between the chills and the sweats I now feel menopausal. Speaking of which, maybe I’m just PMSing and a cocktail and chocolate cake would make everything better. MAYBE IT’S BECAUSE I DO NOT HAVE EITHER A COCKTAIL OR A CHOCOLATE CAKE!

Maybe it’s because my Pandora Broadway Shows station keeps playing big bands from the 1930’s instead of show tunes, which just makes me want to have a cocktail even more. Maybe it is any or all of these things that is contributing to me being in a bad mood, which has absolutely nothing to do with Mercury being in retrograde! Maybe I am in charge of my own moods and I’m choosing to be in a bad mood. Have you ever thought of that?!?!?!

Mercury Cartoon

Huh? Well that’s kind of stupid. If I choose my own moods, why I would choose to be in a bad mood. That seems like a waste of time. Maybe I should change my mood then. And maybe look up what the heck Mercury in retrograde means.

I’d still like a cocktail and some chocolate cake though . . . if anybody wants to hook me up with that . . .

Okay, I Guess You Can Call Me Type A

A friend of mine commented, as I was completely absorbed in meticulously drawing a chart and doing sums, that it was so interesting watching a Type A personality work. Unlike most “Type A” comments that I get, she wasn’t making fun of me. Or at least she better not have been making fun of me since I was helping her figure out her budget! At any rate, not fifteen minutes later she shook her head and laughed at me for my starkly non-type-A action of wiping the dust off a can by rubbing it on my pants. However, this didn’t strike me as odd at all, after all I’m type A not a clean freak. But of course this got me to thinking, and whenever I start thinking about something in particular it always leads to the internet and doing research. Like you do.
What did I find? That all of the people that have been making fun of me for years for being quintessentially type A, were pretty much completely right. Out of all of the articles that I read I think the Huffington Post summed it up the best with their 16 Signs That You’re a Little (or a Lot) Type A. Here’s how I scored:

  • Waiting in long lines kills you a little bit inside.
    • So not true! I do something else while in line like responding to emails, updating my to-do list or working on my next blog. Multi-tasking baby! That response makes me more Type A doesn’t it?
  • You’ve been described as a perfectionist, overachiever, workaholic or all of the above.
    • Um . . . check, check and check.type-a
  • You bite your nails or grind your teeth.
    • Ha! I have a no.
  • You have a serious phobia of wasting time.
    • At. All. Times. One of the reasons I really don’t like movie theaters is that I can’t do anything else while watching the movie.
  • You’re highly conscientious.
    • I’m great at big events/parties where I’m in charge and have to be constantly doing things to make sure that people are taken care of and everything is as it should be. I hate hosting small parties though because I stress out the whole time that people aren’t having fun, or I don’t have enough food or I have the wrong kind of food, etc.
  • You’ve always been a bit of a catastrophist.
    • Nah, everybody has an earthquake survival kit in their bedroom, their car and at work . . . right?
  • You frequently talk over and interrupt people.
    • I don’t do it on purpose! I get excited.
  • You have a hard time falling asleep at night.
    • Every. Damn. Night.
  • People can’t keep up with you in conversation, or on the sidewalk.
    • I can’t help it if I have long legs and talk like the Micro Machine Man when I’m excited!
  • You put more energy into your career than your relationships.
    • This might explain why I’m single . . .
  • Relaxing can be hard work for you.
    • But making spreadsheets IS relaxing!yogathoughts1
  • You have a low tolerance for incompetence.
    • How about no tolerance for incompetence? Yeah, let’s go with none.
  • You’d be lost without your to-do list.
    • I will never understand how people get by day-to-day without a to-do list. How do you remember all of things that you need to get done? I once tried to go without a list. It was the worst three hours of my life.
  • At work everything is urgent.
    • If you don’t need it done right now, than why did you give it to me right now? C’mon!
  • You’re sensitive to stress, which can lead to high-blood pressure and heart disease.
    • Ha! Another no. I have shockingly low blood pressure. I do however have anxiety and heart burn . . . so maybe this is a yes.
  • You make it happen.
    • If you didn’t want it done and done well, why did you ask me to do it in the first place?

Huh, 15 out of 16. Yeah, I guess you can say that I’m a little (a lot) Type A.

Sharing vs Re-Appropriation . . . Is There a Difference?

As a writer, I provide quite a bit of content on the web for free, mostly on my blog. It is content meant to entertain or spark a conversation or thought. I’ve never tried to sell it, nor do I make any money on it. It is meant to be read, enjoyed and shared with friends. However, I’ve started to notice a trend that I don’t think I can quite jump on board with. There are now programs out there that make it really easy to put together a virtual newsletter or newspaper, and people are making them left and right. However, some of them, instead of creating the content themselves, troll Twitter and the internet and pull other people’s work to fill the inches of their newsletter. I’ve noticed that my work is popping up in these more and more. When I saw the first one, I got a little bit of a thrill. I won’t lie, it was a nice ego stroke. But as it happened again, and again, and again the glamour of it wore off.

When someone shares a link on Facebook or retweets one of my pieces on Twitter, awesome! Thank you for sharing. When someone mentions one of my pieces in their blog piece, or even better provides a link to one of my pieces, awesome! Thank you for sharing. But at what point does it stop being sharing and become a re-appropriation of work? When somebody puts together and shares a newsletter that is composed entirely of other people’s work, is it still considered sharing? They call it their newsletter, but it’s my work, and the work of others, filling the space. I was never consulted nor asked if that was okay, I’m sure the other “contributors” weren’t either.

Even worse, I actually had a newspaper take one of my theater reviews and run it in their paper. I was given the byline so it wasn’t plagiarism, but you can bet your sweet ass that my editor was up in arms about it when I told him. The other newspaper was told that under no uncertain terms were they to ever run another one of my reviews unless they had specifically asked me to review for their paper. It never happened again. So what’s the difference? I write my blogs for my website. I write my articles for a specific magazine. I have never had any contract or agreement to write for a newsletter and yet I keep finding my work in them. So I’m left with the conundrum or whether I should be upset about this, or just appreciate the extra exposure.


Let’s face it, I’m not making millions of dollars off of my writing. Hell I’m not even making a living off of my writing. I provide my blog, free of charge for whoever wants to read it. So why does it stick in my craw every time I see my work in one of these newsletters? I think it’s because, unlike a retweet or share on Facebook, these people are trying to benefit off of my work. Whether they want to get thousands of twitter followers because of their newsletter, or the link goes back to a website where they sell ad space, they are getting personal gain by re-appropriating my work and they’re doing so without ever contacting me to ask permission. There’s the rub. But I don’t know if I’m being overly sensitive or pragmatic, or if this is something that bothers other people too. When does it go too far? When does sharing turn into an inappropriate re-appropriation of work? And the better question, what do we do about it?

What do you think? Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill, or do I have a legitimate beef?

I Am . . .

perseverance by noisecraft

perseverance by noisecraft

I am confused
I wonder about the significance of idiotic things
I hear my inner voice
I see myself
I want to see myself clearly
I am self-conscious

I pretend to be perfect
I feel like I am perfect
I touch the outer limits
I worry that I’ve gone too far
I cry because I know I haven’t gone far enough
I am not perfect

I understand that I have to live for myself alone
I say that I can’t
I dream that I can
I try to live each day to the fullest
I hope to never miss an opportunity
I am trying

Who Are Your Nay-Sayers?

As I have been sharing more and more of my work I have, of course, encountered more critical comments than before. Thankfully, the majority of these have come from a genuine “trying to help” place and not just someone being nasty because they can. I have however, seen something that I’d never noticed before. Every so often I will get a nay-sayer who will argue against an idea or piece so vehemently that it becomes obvious that their issue actually has very little to do with the idea/piece, but is actually to do with something in them that was triggered by the idea/piece.

That’s when I realized that I’ve seen this reaction before, outside of comments about my writing. For example, I was in college when I declared to my father that I wanted to spend all of my savings to do a summer-at-sea where I would learn about different cultures and places and visit a laundry list of countries. He was not a fan of this plan. He was a nay-sayer and came up with all sorts of reasons why I shouldn’t do it – like turmoil in certain countries. I was so confused, because this sounded like a great idea to me and an amazing opportunity. It was only after much debate that the truth of the matter came out. It wasn’t really the program, or the different locales that he objected to. He was afraid of the consequences of me emptying out my savings to do the trip. Had I not kept arguing with him, I never would have figured that out.

I think the truth of that holds for other situations as well, and now whenever I have someone who vociferously opposes or doesn’t like something, I stand back and I ask myself: Why are they a nay-sayer? Is this truly a bad idea, or is their opposition coming from somewhere else? Does their opposition have my best interests at heart, or is it coming from a place of fear, or jealousy, or somewhere else? Think about it. I actually think that the reason that some parents or families are a person’s biggest nay-sayers is because there is such a fear of what will happen if the person doesn’t succeed. They care so much that they say no and they dissuade in an attempt to keep us safe. Which is kind of backwards if you ask me, but I’ve always believed that to get what you truly want, you have to be willing to take risks. Some people don’t think that way. So who are your nay-sayers, and why are they saying nay?


Marriage Equality

I tend to stay away from politics on my blog and social media. I’ve never found those to be good platforms for that type of discourse, not to mention I have no interest in interacting with the immense number of trolls out there in the internet depths just waiting to lash out at people. So I tend to keep it to myself. However, with the recent Supreme Court ruling that has essentially opened the gates for Marriage Equality to spread across the country, I felt the need to say something.

I grew up in a small mountain town in Colorado. Technically speaking, it wasn’t even big enough to be a town, it was a village. I grew up in the suburb of a village – and you thought that there was nothing to do where you grew up! Needless to say, there wasn’t a whole lot of diversity around. I was eighteen years-old when I had my first conversation with an African American person. Let that boggle your mind for a while. There was however, a lesbian couple. One of the women worked in the middle school as a gym teacher, and despite the fact that she was always extremely professional there would occasionally be titters around the locker room like:

“I think she saw me changing clothes, how gross!”

“If you’re nice to her, she’ll turn you into a lesbian too.”

“Have you seen? They have matching lesbian haircuts.”

It always bothered me when I would hear things like this. Gym was never my favorite class as I generally had one injury or another and couldn’t participate, which of course meant that gym teachers never really liked me much. Despite this, it still bothered me to hear people talking behind her back simply because she was a lesbian. Judging her based upon who she loved. But no matter how much it bothered me, I never said anything, and I don’t know why. Maybe it was because I was afraid that that ridicule would be redirected at me and I didn’t need another reason to hate life. Maybe it was because I didn’t understand why it bothered me. Deep down I felt that what was going on was wrong, but since it seemed to be the norm maybe I was wrong and they weren’t. Who knows?

What I do know, is that I wish I would have said something. I wish I would have had the guts to call them out and ask them to stop. Not because I wanted the approval of our gym teacher, but because somehow, despite the small mountain town upbringing I’d received, I knew that it was wrong, and sitting there pretending that I didn’t hear it made me just as culpable.


I didn’t say anything then, and for that I am sorry. I can, however, say something now. I am a huge proponent of marriage equality, and for every state that starts issuing same-sex marriage certificates a part of me lightens and feels better about the state of this world that we live in. There are such better things to be spending money on than trying to block the right of two people to get married. Love is love. Whether love be between a man and a woman, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, it is the same love. Each and every one of those people deserves the right to stand up in front of their friends and family and declare that love publicly.

I have been to both gay and straight weddings and in each one there are the same shy hesitations from being up in front of a crowd. There are the same awkward fumbles over lines or missing props. There are the same rolling eyes from kids in the wedding party who have already had their picture taken 500 times and don’t want to pose for any more. And there are the same tears of joy that well up and spill over when a bride or a groom finally realizes that they are standing in front of their soul-mate and that they are finally bound together by more than just words.

The love is the same, the rights should be the same. I stand for marriage equality and I’m no longer willing to keep quiet simply because I might become a target.

Marriage Equality

Top Ten Biggest Twitter Pet Peeves

  1. TrueTwit Validation – Seriously. Do you really get so many spam accounts trying to follow you that you need people to validate that they’re human? Not to mention, who cares if they follow you? Don’t follow back or lock your account, problem solved.
  2. Listing Your Twitter Stats – “4 New Followers, 8 Mentions, 13K Mention Reach, 8 Replies.” FYI – nobody cares.


  1. Offers to Buy Followers – Number 1, maybe it’s just me, but the thought of buying Twitter followers just strikes me as kinda pathetic. Number 2, your pitch would be more convincing if you had more than 183 followers yourself.
  2. Asking me to retweet – If you want me to retweet your stuff, get to know me first or provide eye-catching content. Although if you were doing the latter you wouldn’t need to ask for the retweets in the first place.
  3. Asking me to retweet without following me first – Now you’ve gone from tacky to downright rude. If you want me to do you a favor, at least follow and interact with my content first. It’s very sad that your brother is dying of cancer and needs money to pay the bills. However, I don’t know you from the man in the moon, therefore, I’m not going to retweet what could very well be a scam to all of the people who have followed me.
  4. Get Openly Pissed-Off When People Don’t Favorite or Retweet Your Posts – In my mind this is the equivalent of running to mommy because the kids on the playground are ignoring you. Some tweets will be popular, some won’t. That’s the nature of the game. If you want better interaction, invest your time in developing a following that is tailored to your interests.
  5. Pitching – If I walked up to you at a party and said hi, would you immediately try to sell me on your book/blog/podcast/business? No, we would get to know each other first. Twitter should be the same way. If I get a DM seconds after following you that pitches something you do, chances are the only action that that DM will inspire me to do, is unfollow you.

Auto DM

  1. Book Marketing ad nauseam – there is nothing that makes me hit the unfollow button faster than looking at my feed and seeing that it is flooded by someone obnoxiously marketing their book, or retweeting dozens of other people’s book marketing posts. If I wanted ads, I would watch TV. The rule of thumb that I’ve heard, and agree with, is that only 1 out of every 7 posts should be marketing. So if you want to tweet 10 marketing posts every day, than you’d better come up with 70 other tweets (articles of interest, funny quips, pictures, retweets of a non-promotional nature, anything that isn’t selling a product!) to mix in and break it up.
  2. Picking Fights – It’s a big world, there is no way that we’re all going to get along and agree on all topics. However, doing searches on topics you feel strongly about, and then picking fights with people you’ve never interacted with before is shady and uncalled for. I don’t seek you out to rain on your parade, so don’t come rain on mine. It’s just gonna get you blocked!
  3. #FF – Friday Follows are great, but when you put the hashtag followed by 12 people with no explanation of why they should be followed it’s just obnoxious. Especially when the other 11 people mentioned all favorite and retweet the post which clogs up my notifications feed all day.


So there you have it, my biggest Twitter pet peeves. If I’ve unfollowed you, it’s probably because you did one of the above . . . or I hit the wrong button . . .