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Archives for December 3, 2015

Operation: Clean One Thing

In terms of housekeeping, I am not going to win any awards any time soon. Okay, I could probably win “Most Dust Accumulated on a Ceiling Fan” or “Biggest Hair Ball From Under a Bed.” Seriously, who has time to dust ceiling fans and vacuum under beds on a regular basis? Obviously not me. Okay, I have time, but I would rather spend that time doing anything else, wouldn’t you? The problem is, I really enjoy living in a sparkly clean, organized house. Like, reeeealy enjoy it. It makes my little Type-A heart happy. Therefore, I constantly have things on my to-do list like “Deep-Clean Living Room” and “Clean Dust Off Ceiling Fan.” I don’t actually do any of these things. Instead I dutifully move them to another day on my list and promise that on that day I will actually do the cleaning.


Well thanks to my live-in goats, who parade around as puggles, I made a lot of headway into deep-cleaning my kitchen. It was either that, or live with the permanent smell of curry and vodka, so I spent Monday night scrubbing my kitchen. Over the past two days I’ve noticed that I’ve been keeping the kitchen clean, and even cleaning something extra every night. Not to mention, I really love the way it looks now. My living room, on the other hand makes me cringe and I don’t even know where to begin. That’s when I decided to change up my tactics. I am abandoning Operation Clean All the Things and taking up Operation Clean One Thing!

Instead of stressing about cleaning my entire apartment, I am only going to focus on cleaning my kitchen. Organizing my kitchen. Making it pretty. That’s it, only the kitchen. This makes me happy. I love nit-picking and improving things, and I’m going to get done all of things that I’ve wanted to do for so long. Then once those are done, I’m going to get bored with the kitchen. I know this will happen, because you can only tweak a space for so long before you run out of things that need done. Now this my friends, is the pivotal moment. When I get bored with the kitchen, I will then move on to another room, and thus systematically work my way through the entire apartment.

This is the plan. Operation Clean One Thing! Do I have high hopes of this working? About the same as a T-Rex has of clapping his hands. Odds are I will finish that, give up on the rest of the apartment and just start spending all of my time in the kitchen. I’m gonna try this plan anyway, cause you gotta start somewhere man. Who knows, if I start now, I might be able to work up enough momentum to join in on that whole spring cleaning craze . . . maybe.

T Rex