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Archives for November 22, 2013

Kat: Unplugged

Okay, so not completely unplugged.  I’ve spent the week sitting in front of a computer all day, but I have been without my phone.  It broke on Monday morning and my replacement doesn’t arrive until tomorrow . . . I’m hoping.  I’m not gonna hold my breath on that one, but my fingers are definitely crossed.  Surprisingly, being without a phone for a week hasn’t bothered me nearly as much as I thought that it would.  I learned a couple of things though.

  1. Contrary to popular belief, there have been no dire emergencies and the world did not end when I was without a computer to stay connected. Crazy I know!
  2. When I’m by myself in a public place, I use my phone to avoid interacting with the world around me. Instead of enjoying the breeze or watching the shadows play on the side of a building I recheck my email for the tenth time that hour. I kind of wonder how much of life I’ve missed out on?
  3. I obsessively check my texts, email, Facebook and Twitter accounts. I’ve almost given myself whiplash from constantly reaching for my phone to check . . . yet again.
  4. Despite that, not once I have I had something to say to someone, that it couldn’t wait until I got home or back to my desk at work.
  5. Nobody gives a crap that I haven’t “Checked-In” anywhere in the past week.
  6. I can get places and meet up with people without GPS or texting.  We kicked it old school and showed up at the appointed time and looked for each other!
  7. I’m more relaxed. Since there is no way for me to respond to anyone immediately, I don’t stress about needing to respond to someone immediately.
  8. It is kind of liberating not being available every second of every day.
  9. A small part of me hopes that my phone gets delayed for another day or two.
  10. Once it does arrive, I think I’m going to start turning it off instead of just putting it on silent when I arrive places. Life exists outside of my smart phone.
