I hate getting a new phone. Really, any type of new technology, but phones in particular. I’m not into the latest and greatest new tech gadgets. I just want something that works, let’s me do my work and is familiar. I think that’s the biggest thing. I like the familiarity, I like that I know where everything is and how everything works. Which is probably why when I do finally break down and get a new phone, I simply get the next model of whatever I currently I have. In that respect, I am low maintenance.
Which is why I shocked even myself when I decided to use some of my tax refund to buy a new phone. The old one wasn’t broken, per se. It was old enough that some of the new apps were glitchy on it and I had to charge it 2-3 times a day, but other than that it worked just fine. I honestly could have squeezed another 6-9 months out of it. But for whatever reason, I decided that it was time to upgrade. And not just my normal ‘next model up’ upgrade, but switch from Android to Apple.
I have an iPad and a MacBook Air so it made no sense that I didn’t have an iPhone as well. My Android didn’t really interact that well with the other two, so it was time to switch. Plus, my dad’s a MacGenius so I didn’t have to do any research. I just told him how much I wanted to spend and he told me what to get – knowing of course that I couldn’t care less about the latest/greatest tech. I went with the SE, because it fit my budget and my dad says that he hardly ever sees them in with problems. Perfect! Sign me up!

This was three weeks ago, and tomorrow I will be going in for my third iPhone. That is one new phone a week for a hat trick of phones! Whoo! No, no whoo. Boo! That means that I have been spending inordanant amounts of time at the Apple Store because my BRAND NEW phone didn’t work and the slow and behold, the replacement HAD THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM!!! What are the frickin’ odds? From the reactions of all of the people at the Apple Store, minuscule because they can’t believe this is happening.
What might be shocking them even more, is that I have yet to yell or get frustrated with any of them. Last week after waiting 20 minutes for my appointment, the MacGenius gave me a weird look while we were waiting for the diagnostics to load. (FYI, they never loaded. The stupid phone was so messed up it wouldn’t even interact with the diagnostic tools.) At any rate, I noticed his look and he immediately apologized for gawking, and admitted that he was just really surprised at how calm and relaxed I was about the whole mess. Before I even thought about what I was saying, I responded, “Well, if this is the worst thing that happens to me this week, I’m going to count that as a win.”

I have no idea where that response came from, but as soon as it came out of my mouth I knew it was true. What the heck? I had gone from mad at the world, ready to snap at anybody about anything a couple of weeks ago to Ms I have better things to get upset about. When did that happen? Maybe it’s because I did just come out of a bad few weeks that were lending this particular snafu some perspective. Maybe it’s because I’ve started reading Radium Girls, and there’s nothing like reading about 20 year olds dying of radium poisoning before doctors even knew what radium poisoning was, to lend a little persepctive. Who knows? At any rate, I’m glad for the new perspective. It’s more pleasant.
Also, I would like a phone that works correctly. That would be pleasant too.