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War & Peace: The One Man Show


Brad Griffith of War & Peace: The One Man Show, answered some quick questions for @SeeItOrSkipItLA!

1. You’re calling this a World Premiere Workshop. What does that mean?

A: Part of seeing what will work in this is putting it on its feet, which I haven’t done. It’s a bit scary, so actually this is my way of managing expectations, and having people come in with a sense that it’s still forming and they are a part of it.

2. To cover 1240 pages in 60 minutes you have to do a little over 20 pages every minute. How long did it take you to cut this behemoth of a story down?

A: I’ll let you know when I’m done! That has been the most complicated thing. Henry James called War and Peace a “loose, baggy monster,” and that’s kind of what my experience with trying to cull it down to a simple narrative has felt like. So it’s been me and the monster for a while. I blogged about it when I first read it from 2010 – 1011 on http://yearofwarandpeace.blogspot.com, and it’s been useful to have that blog as a reference. Still, to say it has been a challenge is an understatement.

3. What about your show makes it perfect for the Fringe?

A: I hope it will be fun and interesting, and hopefully something new. I think that’s what makes it perfect for the Fringe.

4. What do you hope the audience walks away with after your show?

A: I really want people to read the book. I’d like them to walk away with an interest to read it themselves, and also with how great works can touch us and still speak to us deeply today.

5. What show, other than yours, are you most excited to see at the Fringe?

A: My friend Les Kurkendaal is doing a show called “A one-way ticket to crazy town” that I’m interested in seeing. And Laura Carson’s Booze, Balls, And Blue-Grass. I also heard there’s a show called “Raised by Gays and I’m Okay” that looks fun. And of course, I have to see the other 19th century novel adaptations – those will be fun.

Intrigued? For ticketing click here.


*As a special thank-you to all Fringers following my coverage, please enjoy 15% off purchases at In Heels Productions throughout the month of June. Use code HFF15 at checkout!